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Despite corona virus – we remain productive for you
We can still do a lot for you from our home office: We are happy to assist you, and your customers, even in the age of the corona virus.
With up to one million searches per month and 2 billion hits on Google, Corona not only has a firm grip on public life, but also on the Internet. While schools and daycare centres, cafés and shops are being closed, we have also been dealing with the changed situation for some time now and are working mainly from home.
Because our employees had this option even before the corona virus pandemic, we had already put the necessary prerequisites in place: We stay in contact with the help of Microsoft Teams, and all employees can access the usual infrastructure and servers using VPN tunnels. This way, we protect the health of our employees and their family members, and at the same time we can maintain direct communication – an essential basis for ensuring the high quality that our customers and partners are accustomed to.
In crisis times like these, we can do a great deal for you: With targeted online marketing activities and e-mail campaigns as well as promotions, you can motivate your customers and counteract the threat of sales losses. We develop efficient concepts for your business – get in touch with us!
Virtual is now reality. We are well positioned in terms of technology and staff to meet the challenges that await us in the next few weeks. All tasks will be completed reliably and on time – just as if we still worked in the chocolate factory.
The results of an internal Medienwerft survey show that direct contact with co-workers is what our employees miss the most, followed closely by our automatic coffee machines. Yet the overwhelming majority are making the best of the situation, and look forward to getting a glimpse of the colleagues’ living rooms via video chat.
Even more, though, we look forward to the day when not just case numbers, but also search inquiries for the keyword corona drop off and we can all see each other again in good health in the chocolate factory. Until then, we wish all of our colleagues, customers, and partners strong nerves and stable internet connections. Stay healthy!
If you would like to learn more about what we can do for your sales in the age of the corona virus, send your email to info@medienwerft.de or call us at 040 31 77 99 – 0.
Find out everything important about Medienwerft – experts in brands & ecommerce for over 25 years – here:
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Tel: +49 40 / 31 77 99-0
Email: info@medienwerft.de