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- Next Level B2B Portal: New functions for our customer LERBS
Next Level B2B Portal: New functions for our customer LERBS
A B2B portal with intelligent inventory management and smart after-sales processes? We have provided the SAP-based portal “Supplix” of our customer LERBS with many new functionalities that create more benefits in everyday life through intuitive handling.
LERBS presented us with the task of modernizing their existing e-commerce system, which manages thousands of customers, hundreds of thousands of items, and millions of pieces of pricing information.
During the update of the B2B platform “Supplix”, the focus was always on the benefits for the company’s customers and users. One of the new value-added services of the platform is a completely revised order and document search as well as fully automated after-sales processes for more benefits in everyday life.
About LERBS GmbH
LERBS, a RUBIX company, was founded in Bremen about 70 years ago and has since developed into one of the largest full-line suppliers in Germany. Originally started as a wholesaler for marine equipment and hardware, the company has expanded its range of products and now supplies not only shipping companies and shipowners, but also industry, trade, crafts and municipalities with various products such as industrial safety equipment, screws, non-ferrous metals, welding accessories, operating supplies, tools, machinery and equipment.
The range of around 150,000 products is offered through various sales channels such as specialist catalogs, retail stores, and innovatively online via SUPPLIX e-commerce systems.In addition to its headquarters in Stuhr, the company has also opened further locations in Germany and worldwide in order to offer its customers competent advice, comprehensive service and customized solutions.
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